Reflections on 9/11
Christopher, Tue Sep 11 2018, 02:23PM

17 years ago today most of us woke up optimistic and innocent. That night we went to bed confused, angry, and calling for blood. It was a day that changed the course of history in nearly every way...

Today our nation and the world at large are as divided as most living people can remember them ever being. If we're not racists, we're sexists, and if we're not this color or that nationality or the wrong religion, or the wrong political party; we're to be hated and/or feared for things we either haven't done or wouldn't dream of participating in. Our innocence has been replaced with cynicism and for some of us optimism for the future is hard to imagine.

I call on everyone who reads this TO imagine it though. Imagine the world BEING a better place than it is today. Imagine yourself BEING part of it. We can't go back to yesterday, but we CAN make a difference. How, you ask?

After we remember those we lost, and honor the Heroes their loss inspired, we need to BE THE CHANGE WE WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD.

Thanks for listening.

Chris Costlow

Re: Reflections on 9/11
©ammy, Tue Sep 11 2018, 04:45PM

Thanks for sharing that Chris!