Jackie & Shadow (Our local eagles)
SCM ALERT🚨, Sun Feb 23 2020, 04:32PM

From the USFS....

It’s hard to say this, but the odds of our Big Bear bald eagle nest’s eggs will hatch this year are diminishing each day. We’re on day 44 and day 41 since the eggs were laid. They typically hatch between 35-38 days; even giving them a day or two extra for slow development due to cold temperatures, the window of successful hatching is closing. We haven’t seen a definite pip (crack in the egg from the chick poking a hole in the shell) in either egg. At this point, we'll be very (pleasantly) surprised if either egg hatches.

There are several factors that could result in a nest failure. The eggs may have been infertile from the start (incomplete fertilization during mating, etc.) or the embryos could have died during incubation (from congenital defects, weather, or environmental factors) or the chicks may not have been able to successfully break out of their shells. Chances are that Jackie and Shadow (as this pair of eagles are known) will continue incubation for another 10 days or so, but they’ll start leaving the eggs unattended for periods of time that will lengthen each day. Unattended, the eggs may be preyed upon by ravens. It is possible that Jackie and Shadow may actually consume the eggs if they break in the nest.

Sometimes Mother Nature can be harsh and disappoint us with our human hopes. Getting a glimpse into the daily lives of this beautiful bald eagle pair has been a real treat. Bald eagles have a very strong fidelity to their nest sites; thus, it is likely that they’ll be nesting in the same place next season.

The Big Bear eagle nest is on National Forest land, within an area that is currently closed to all public entry in order to protect our national bird from disturbance during the nesting season.

Re: Jackie & Shadow (Our local eagles)
BBNona, Tue Feb 25 2020, 07:57PM

So sad but it’s nature.