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BootsNBridles2 hour(s) ago PSKov1 - was it just a large house cat? or was it really a cougar? Black cougars are very rare in So Cal but one was spotted near Lake Arrowhead about 10 years ago.
Bern4 hour(s) ago When aa fire burns through it clears the views as well as the brush that hinders the travel of wildlife as well as the opportunity to see them. That is the best part about wildfire, Mother nature will put on a better show when left unhindered by the hand of humans.
mountainart5 hour(s) ago probably displaced from the fire burned areas, searching for prey that also ran from the fire. have been seeing a lot more deer between running springs and arctic circle.
Rad Cabin10 hour(s) ago CSF.... Sorry, not the best picture but you can see he was also huge, went by pretty fast. Were you able to find the picture (DM me if not)? We have Coyotes every night, Deer often, Bear or Bobcat a couple times a year, occasional Fox, etc. but this was a first for a Mountain Lion.
Pskov1... You are not too far from us, we are right on the 38 at the end of Fawnskin. Maybe same one.
njreyn12 hour(s) ago And to the knucklehead in the red Suburban, you might want to take your meds before you drive that hill again.
njreyn12 hour(s) ago Just drove up 330/18. Traffic was about moderate but kept moving. Boy! That line fire sure did a number didn't it?
Pskov112 hour(s) ago CSF! Its on page 11 of pets.
ChristySkisFast12 hour(s) ago Rad Cabin....where did you post the picture? I almost hit one in Fawnskin 2 days ago. Missed it by inches. Bounced right in front of me when I was driving toward the dam at about 630am. He was beautiful and huge. I'd love to see your picture.
Pskov112 hour(s) ago Rad Cabin! I'm in Whispering Forest on Antelope Mountain Drive. Our Ring camera picked up a large cat the size of a mountain lion and black in color on our bridge about a week ago. The thing was humongous!
Rad Cabin13 hour(s) ago Just a warning for those in Fawnskin. And for those "responsible" dog owners noted earlier. Large Mountain Lion in the area. Posted a screenshot from this morning at 1am near the Observatory and Serrano Campground under the Pets Thread.
Walkermuggz14 hour(s) ago Ok Benny, it’s time to do your snow magic. Make it snow brother, we are counting on you. But no pressure, no pressure lol. 🌩️🌬️
Trail Rider16 hour(s) ago Thanks for the info on the Great Pyrenees dog. I wish people were more responsible with their animals.
Bern20 hour(s) ago Where have all if the incident reporting posts gone? We have fire, Sheriff and medical calls that are not being reported. Seems that it has been 3 weeks or so. Is BBL hiding Overdose, Domestic Violence, and other med calls from the people? We had a ton of those calls before they started censoring.